Monday, January 13, 2020

Pet Boarding Service | Animal Care in Shelby By Adneyhauskennels

Pet boarding is a service that is traditionally offered by professional pet kennels, where a pet owner can leave their pet in the care of the boarding service while they’re away.
Dona's calm demeanor allows her to quickly develop a trust bond with your pet. As an animal expert, she has insight into what an animal needs to relax while Pet boarding Services.

Typically the dogs sleep in individual rooms near the new canine friends they met during the day and are grouped by age, size, and temperament. It’s a low-maintenance formula that allows the dogs to play and interact while also remaining safe and protected. Because of this, kennels are best for active and socialized dogs that play well with, and enjoy the company of, other dogs. For dogs that aren’t comfortable with or ready for socialization on this scale, there are kennels that offer single-room options, which will allow your pet to find peace and quiet in their own room until they become more comfortable.

Animal Care in Shelby| Small Boarding Kennel

Adneyhaus Private Kennel has been working in animal care for more than 45 years in Shelby. Medical care, on directions from your vet and medications prescribed, given during boarding, Donna Adney is a professional handler, trainer, and holistic user in animal healing. The many benefits of a small boarding kennel, like Adneyhaus Private Boarding Kennels, Donna studies all boarding dogs & cats and designs a caring program, just for them.  Shy and anxious animals learn to trust and a bond of friendship. It is quiet here and very peaceful.  Donna has good communication skills, with animals.

Dogs with emotional issues may struggle with kennels, due to the stress of staying in an unfamiliar environment and the lack of a personalized touch from options like pet sitting and in-home boarding. And even though vaccinations are typically required for kennels, it’s important to note that the proximity of other pets could expose your pet to illness or injury.

Pet Boarding Service | Pet Boarding Shelby

Is stressful on pet parent and fur kids? It is stress-free, here. We are very small and personal. Average boarding kennel has as little as 50 dogs.  Where I managed an animal clinic, at 200 stressed out& anxious dogs and cats. I accept, no more than 20 guests, in our 6 ft x12 ft indoor heated & air-conditioned rooms, with bay windows. Boarding beloved fur kids do NOT have to be stressful. Everything, I have done, from building design to the care and needs of fur kids, comes from 45 plus years of rescue, rehabilitation, training and healing fur kids, and a love of animals. See reviews of Adneyhaus Private Kennels at Facebook and our Google pages… Our boarding guests have come from as far Vermont, Texas and Florida.


We designed our cage-free boarding facilities and processes to ensure that your pet experiences quiet, calm care. Boarding at a veterinary facility leaves your pet in the care of professional caretakers for the duration of your leave. The chief benefit of boarding at a veterinary facility is that your pet is in the most qualified hands, best equipped for specialized care and emergencies. As such, this option is best for dogs that need to be observed closely and those that need frequent medical attention.

For information visit us now Adneyhauskennels!!